Guide to Self-Love: Top Three Traits
11:45:00 AMSo as you may have noticed, I rebranded my blog! Ta-da! Now introducing MarissAdventures, my little corner of the internet where I can talk about all the things I like to talk about.
With a rebrand came a new biography about myself. And with a new biography about myself came a headache. Honestly, biographies are the worst because you never want to come off too cocky or too humble or sound like every other girl with a blog. So I was at a loss. I was having a grumpy day and I couldn't think of any positive ways to describe me to the point where I literally typed "sarcastic, narcissistic, millennial Hawaiian princess" but it just wasn't flowing. And then I contemplated just throwing the whole blog away and never getting back online.
Then I thought to myself... "Hey no one knows me better than the lady that birthed me that I call everyday to ask how to hard boil eggs" so I texted my mom:
"Hey mom write this bio for me, it's due Tuesday, thx."
Alright just kidding. I sent a quick text that said "If you had to use three words to describe me what would they be?" She replied quicker than usual and said:
Energetic. Driven. Passionate.
Shit....Thanks ma. I don't know if it was because I had been having a blah week, but something about that text really hit me right in the soul. Those are big words. Energetic. Driven. PASSIONATE. To think about all the words in the English language and to know that my momma picked those three just for me? That's how she sees me? Unreal.
So, I still didn't know how to just put three words into my biography randomly, so I texted a few of my best friends the same question...their answers came:
Strong Willed, Caring, Adventurous
Witty, Loyal, Down to Earth
Funny, Clever, Inspiring
Inspiring? Loyal? I was getting texts back from my very best friends that were moving me to tears. This was different then compliments, this was different than appearances, different than being bff's, this was people who love me, telling me what traits THEY see in me.
I sent the same message to more of the people who know me the best in the world....
Upbeat, Sarcastic, Positive
Loyal, Determined, Ornery
Witty, Selfless, Driven
Funny, Inappropriate, Driven
Woah. These responses meant more to me than a biography. They gave me the opportunity to see myself how others see me. When I wake up in the morning and feel imperfect, when I'm having a lousy day at work, when I'm feeling negative, when I'm being melodramatic or self-absorbed; there are people out there who see me as driven, determined, loyal, inspiring... selfless.
This motivates me. This lights a fire under my ass like nothing else could. These people that know and love me, they expect greatness from me. They know me as loyal so I'm going to continue to be loyal to a fault. They see me as driven, I'm going to push myself further and work even harder. They see me as inspiring, that makes ME inspired.
I think it's important to live your life so that you are the person that your loved ones see in you. Live your life so that you are making the people proud who want to see you succeed more than anything in your life. Live your life so that your best friends, your family, the people who know you best- will be glad to send you three words that describe you best because they've known these traits were in you all along.
In a world of comparison, people are too hard on themselves. We are our own biggest critics, and the majority of the time we don't even realize all of the people that we have outside our ring cheering us on. Sure, some days I would pick words more along the lines of; scattered, worthless, hopeless, jealous, alone... and maybe some days I wouldn't even be able to pick out any positive traits at all.
-Text your parents, your best friends, your spouse, whoever.
Here's your self-love homework:
-Text your parents, your best friends, your spouse, whoever.
-Ask them to describe you in three words.
-Make a list in your phone of all of those powerful traits. Take the time to memorize these traits.
Read them when you're feeling down, helpless, worthless.
Read them when you're feeling down, helpless, worthless.
-Live them. Live those traits. Live them so hard that you believe them too.
This isn't about physical qualities. You're looking for traits that are deeper than the surface.
Write some of those traits in the comments or let me know you made your list!
With all this being said, thank you to my friends and family who see me as the person that I want to be. Thanks for turning a silly little text into such an enlightening moment for me. Thank you to all the girls online that see me as an inspiration because you are the ones inspiring me. I hope that I live each day to fill the shoes that you see me in. I love you ☀️