10 Health Tips I would Recommend to Anyone
2:07:00 AM
It's been about a year since I decided to change my life to a healthier lifestyle. (Picture above is May 2015 vs. May 2016) I am planning on writing an elaborate blog on what I eat and what I've found makes me feel the best but meanwhile I have a few tips to share! I've had lots of girls online ask me for advice, grocery shopping tips, vegan information etc, etc. and I actually really enjoy giving advice and sharing what gave me success!
Tonight a friend of asked me some health advice and after some rambling about my search to my 90% vegan diet (and counting) I came up with 10 health tips that I follow that I always recommend to anyone who asks!
10 of My Favorite Health Tips
1. EAT WHEN YOU'RE HUNGRY. Don't ever be hungry. Starving yourself is the worst thing you can do for your health and you will find zero results that way. By starving yourself you are actually setting yourself up for failure in a later meal where you will overeat. I literally eat 6 times a day at least. It just has to be healthy/low sugar/non processed/high protein snacks and meals.
2. PLAN healthy snacks (avocados, hummus, veggies, wheat bread, nut butters) in their actual portion or serving sizes. Have these readily available for yourself at work and at home so that you're never tempted to eat junk food that is staring at you right in your face. (My drawer at work currently has - Kashi Granola Bars (4g sugar), High fiber whole wheat english muffins, almond butter, and plain oatmeal - all ready for snacking when I'm hungry.)
3. Eat what you want to eat. Don't eat anything you don't like. You will never EVER be able to maintain a diet of foods you can't stand. Don't buy blueberries because you're supposed to, buy fruits you love. Buy things you like to eat and find healthy alternatives to your daily meals. Filling your fridge with a bunch of food you hate is pointless, you'll never succeed.
4. Lift weights. Cardio is also super important to lose weight, try and raise your heart rate at least 30 minutes a day (my go to is turning on The Humpty Dance and dancing my butt off at home for 30 mins). but I can't stress more how much lifting helps change your body and how worth it is. Lifting changes the SHAPE of your body, and it makes you stronger.
5. Don't do workouts you hate. If you don't feel like running, don't run. Pushing yourself to get the gym is crucial, but you won't ever love the gym if you're forcing yourself to do everything. Find your favorite cardio machine at the gym or at home workout and make sure that the workouts you're doing are making you happy and satisfied. Mix things up at the gym. Gym boredom is real.
6. Please please, watch Vegucated on Netflix and consider cutting out most dairy from your diet. I swear that if every person who wants to lose weight didn't eat dairy for 30 days- they would lose weight. Your body isn't meant to have dairy. It literally turns directly into fat because cheese is literally milk fat. I PROMISE you can do it and it's not hard. If you don't want to I'm not offended - it's no biggie, but I promise it will make a difference.
7. Eat complex carbs. Don't buy pasta. Get whole wheat whole grain breads with low sugar. Eat quinoa, oats, couscous, brown rice, spaghetti squash etc. the more carbs you have the harder it will be to drop weight. Try to only incorporate carbs into two meals per day (out of 6ish).
8. Drink water. Literally drink water all day. Basically if you don't pee 25 times in a day, you're not drinking enough.
9. Don't ever ever ever drink soda or sugary sports drinks, basically don't drink anything but water unless it's a treat - post meal. If you are looking for something sweet, add essential oils to your water. Try and make it through your meals without drinking any sugary drinks. All those things are loaded with sugar and terrible for you.
10. Fuck the terms diet & cheat meal. You have to decide if you want to change your life. Don't ever grumble or complain or tell people "oh I'm on a diet" and snarl. If you want to be healthier you have to go all in mentally. Be excited to eat your healthy lunch. If you're going to constantly say "ugh I wish this was pizza" then you're not going to get anywhere and I can't help you.
If your interested in a little more about my dairy free/fish eating diet, don't be afraid to ask. I will never shove my eating habits in your face but if you want more info I'm happy to share! Follow me on Instagram @mlreinert24 sometimes you can catch a couple yummy meals!