My First Cycling Class - Hilarity Ensues

11:29:00 PM

So let me precursor this with, I'm lying on the floor in my sweaty gym clothes at home because I cannot move. 

So today at work I was fighting with myself about going to the gym tonight. See, I've been doing physical therapy for my "Text Neck" (yes I have a reverse curve in my spine and you probably do too!) and it's really been killing my motivation to go to the gym. By the time I'm done it's nearly 6, I want to go home and eat, and then sit on the couch. 

So anyways, today I had decided I was NOT going to the gym. So I'm driving home and then my fat thighs must've taken control of the wheel because before you know it I'm at my gym. 

Still lacking any motivation I walked up the stairs and went straight to the locker room and sat down. WORKOUT COMPLETE. Just kidding. I decided "hey, I'm feeling really unmotivated and sore from PT, let's look at their classes maybe they'll have a nice yoga class where I can just sleep on the mat and call it cardio." 

Turns out they didn't, but they did have a cycling class and I was thinking "lol, no" but then next thing I know I'm adjusting the cycling seat and pretending I know how to sit on it (thighs must've taken control again). 

This 5'2 bronze cycling goddess walked in and picked up a cycle, threw it over her shoulder, squatted it a couple times, and moved it to the front of the classroom. Ah, the instructor

I'm embellishing, but she was yoked okay, you get the point. 

Music starts playing which gets me pumped because who doesn't love loud dance music during cardio? The bikes have little handles that you have to turn in order to get the resistance up. So the majority of the class was spent with me trying to convince myself I was going hard enough while simultaneously dying. The instructor tells you when to turn the instenisty up, when to turn it down, when to push, when to stand, when to call the ambulance, it's all great fun. 

So halfway through the class I decided that my seat was in fact too low and I was going to damage my knee caps and never be able to walk again. So I proceeded to gracefully get off the bike -aka I literally couldn't get one shoe out of its strap and I almost fell on my face while everyone was "PUMPING UP THAT HILL LADIES" all in the name of a seat change. After I raised it up, it was a little more comfortable, but I was working my booty even more.

We did hills and sprints and then we sprinted hills and we also did hills. Did I mention hills? Because I feel like there were a 1000 of them. BUT, the first 45 minutes FLEW by and when I looked at the clock I couldn't believe I had been doing cardio that long. Something about the song changes/intensity changes/instructions makes the time go by WAY faster than if I was on the stationary bike doing cardio on my own. 

By the time the hour was up, I was literally drenched head to toe and ready to squish my tiny instructor like a bug but - I haven't felt that satisfied walking out of the gym in a long time.

This was an AWESOME strength workout for legs and even better cardio and fat burn. I felt it in muscles in my ass that I can't even point out to you if you paid me. I'm not sure that I have ever sweat so much in my life and I'm looking forward to not being able to walk all weekend... BUT I will be going back next Thursday for round two because who doesn't love a little challenge?! 

Have you ever done a cycling class!? Tell me it was an entertaining as mine. 

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