Meet the Reinert Piggies

12:25:00 PM

I frequently have people back home and online ask me "So, how many guinea pigs do you have?" because they confuse my posts up and assume I have about 17 piggies, Well, unfortunately I only have three little piggies: Raz, Rosie & Rocky. Raz and Rosie are girls and little Rocky is a boy. Yes I do know that I'm a weirdo crazy guinea pig lady - but my piggies are da bomb so it's fine.

Here's some adorable photos for your viewing pleasure. 



I've had my little Razzle for over a year and a half. She is a huge spaz until you get her out of her cage and then she literally won't move at all. She's an American guinea pig and she is obsessed with her house. Unlike all the other piggies who just sleep in their houses, Raz seems to think that her house is a turtle shell and she literally shoves it all around her cage with her nose so that it is over her at all times. She's the most photogenic and the easiest to handle out of the three. 


Rosie is my beautiful long haired beauty. She literally has nicer hair than I do and has never brushed in a day in her life. I adopted Rosie in October 2015 after she was found in a backyard here in Hawaii with 100 guinea pigs in it. Because of her traumatizing past, she hates loud noises and is sure to eat EVERY piece of food in her dish as quickly as possible. She hates tomatoes and is my only piggy that will lay down and relax on me to cuddle. She's also Rocky's mama.  


Baby Rocky Balboa is only seven months old and he is my equivalent of a toddler. Being the only boy, he is SUPER vocal and squeals at literally everything. He squeals at the fridge and any rustling bags, he squeals when I get him treats, when I wake up, when I turn on the sink, literally always. He loves every snack I've ever given him and he has long hair just like his mom. He also loves to chew on absolutely anything he can get his face near - typical child. He refuses to sit still for pictures and loves to run around and popcorn like a nutcase. 

A little throw back of baby Rocky 

Now you know the Reinert piggies :) 

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