Tash & Big Take New York: A Baecation

6:21:00 PM

So as most of you probably know, I went to New York in early August to visit my favorite little fam bam, the Peacocks. Now back when Tash and I started our friendship, it was revolved around free time, exploring Hawaii, macaroons, mangoritas and great TV shows. Almost all of my favorite shows I would’ve never watched if Tasha hadn’t essentially given me no other choice. It’s sort of a “Watch Gossip Girl or we aren’t friends anymore” kind of thing. So needless to say I was a huge fan of Gossip Girl and during that summer Tash and I swore that one day she and I would visit the Big Apple together and do all of the things that Blair and Serena do and more. Tasha and I are both down to do almost anything at any time/ I’m able to drag her along with me on any adventure I deem necessary for the day, which is why half of our time spent together was always spent dreaming of all the places we wanted to visit.

Fast forward two years later when by some grace of fate, Jake got stationed on Long Island and they picked up and moved from our little island to one that is 20 minutes away from NYC. Although my best friend relocating 6,000 miles away wasn’t necessarily my favorite memory of 2016, visiting her this month was. We finally got to plan out our perfect S&B date in NYC, we got to meet lifelong Twitter friends, we got to visit the Dash store in SoHo, explored Brooklyn, and even spent some time at the beach with lil P.

One thing that you may not know about Tash and I’s friendship is that we are extremely dysfunctional. Not with each other, but like us vs. life, life always wins. We are constantly late, we miss everything we’ve ever scheduled, and we commonly find ourselves in a situation going “how the fuck did we end up here!?!” Some of our memories sound like we are making them up because HOW. 
Which was essentially how we spent all of our days in the city while I was in New York. #curbalert

For two basic white girls who had never spent a day alone in the city, you could say that we did…. Okay. I’m sure you all saw our Gossip Girl pictures that we took, trying to replicate the episode where Blair and Serena have a photoshoot together in the city. Although those are my favorite pictures ever taken in the history of the world… I can’t even explain to you in detail the events that took place that day but I do know that the fact that we wore those dresses in NYC summer heat ALL day walking countless blocks, did an entire hop on hop off tour, walked another 10 blocks, and grabbed Dunkin from a dungeon before we finally made it to the Pulitzer Fountain to take our pictures right before the sun went down.

This week was the best week of my vacation and one of my favorite weeks ever. There isn’t quite anything that compares to doing soul searching with your soul mate in one of your favorite places on the earth. Let’s just say that this year hasn’t been easy, and being able to just sit on the couch and talk to my best friend after six months, was an amazing healing time for my heart. It may sound cheesy but I think it’s SO important to have friends that refresh your soul. You know, that kind of friend that you see and want to hold onto and never let go. That’s my Tash and I don’t know how my soul ever lived without her.

Enjoy the whitest white girl photos ever:


Love you bae!

P.S. Penny Jean I love you more than any other thing on this planet and I love every second of seeing you grow and change and you will always be my baeby. 

For more of our adventures make sure you follow me on instagram! 

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